This program is intended for players in kindergarten, 1st grade, and for 2nd graders who have yet to play Coach Pitch in the BPV program. This can translate to players with birth dates from 9/16/2016 to 9/15/2019.
Younger players can request to play, too. However, a season of tee-ball is suggested, with the separate city program an appropriate starting point for all players.
In this program, coaches pitch to batters. Players run the bases with some restrictions. Three outs or a run limit (whichever comes first) defines the inning. Games run six innings, with teams playing typically twice per week. At the discretion of the teams and field availability, practice time is available all week in April before games begin late April/early May, and normally on the weekends once games start.
Pending issues with inclement weather, the program is scheduled to finish before the July 4 holiday. The season ends with a postseason tournament and all-star game, where all of the league's participants earn an award.
Fields used: Hoover School, 23rd St. Field (next to the Botanical Garden at Middle Park), Tyler Hurd Field at Ed Scheck Park, and LeClaire's Veterans Memorial Complex.
Teams are grouped by school or special request. Also: LeClaire-only teams are a registration option on a first-come, first-serve basis.
2025 Season Dates
NOTE: Those interested in coaching are asked to contact the division director, Bob Jurkowski at rjurkows03@gmail.com.
FOR SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION: Contact Dan Escontrias at danesco33@gmail.com
This program is for players currently in 3rd and 4th grade. This translates to players with birth dates from 9/16/2014 to 9/15/2016.
This division features full kid pitch (with no balks, no leadoffs, no pickoffs) with base-running restrictions. Regulation games are six innings, with teams playing typically twice per week. At the discretion of the teams and field availability, practice time is available all week in April before games begin in late April/early May, and normally on the weekends once games start.
Pending issues with inclement weather, the program is scheduled to finish before the July 4 holiday. The season ends with a postseason tournament and all-star game.
Unlike Coach Pitch, there are tryouts/evaluations at the end of March help strike a competition balance in this division, with coaches asked to draft their teams based on the assessments determined at the evaluations. More information will follow regarding specific time and location of the evaluations.
The coach for your team will contact you soon after teams are drafted to provide more details and get the season going with practices. You should expect to hear something from your coach or division director by Saturday, April 5th.
Each drafted player will receive a numbered jersey and a hat before games begin. The colors are determined by the sponsor, with the sponsor logo displayed on the front of the jersey.
Fields used: Crow Creek #10 & #11 at the 4-Plex, Tyler Hurd Field at Ed Scheck Park, and LeClaire's Veterans Memorial Complex. Bases are 60 feet apart. Pitching mound distance is 46 feet.
2025 Season Dates - Minors
NOTE: A separate gold division for weekend travel/tournament teams also is available to keep the playing field level for drafted squads, with the gold division playing once per week. If you are the coach of a 9U or 10U weekend travel/tournament team playing at the A/AA level and are interested in this league, please reach out to Trent Kulig at trentjk82@gmail.com.
NOTE: Those interested in coaching are asked to contact the division director, Matt Wood at bpvbaseball1@gmail.com.
FOR SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION: Contact Dan Escontrias at danesco33@gmail.com.
This program is for players in 5th and 6th grade. This translates to players with birth dates from 9/16/2012 to 9/15/2014.
Full base running & kid pitching. (No dropped third strike). Regulation games are seven innings, with teams playing typically twice a week, and practice time available on the weekend once games start.
At the discretion of the teams and field availability, practice time is available all week in April before games begin in late April/early May.
Pending issues with inclement weather, the regular season is scheduled to finish before the July 4 holiday. The season ends with a postseason tournament and All-Star game after the 4th of July.
Unlike Coach Pitch, there are tryouts/evaluations at the end of March/early April to help strike a competition balance in this division, with coaches asked to draft their teams based on the assessments determined at the evaluations.
The coach for your team will contact you soon after teams are drafted to provide more details and get the season going with practices. You should expect to hear something from your coach or division director by Saturday, April 5th.
Each drafted player will receive a numbered jersey and a hat before games begin. The colors are determined by the sponsor, with the sponsor logo displayed on the front of the jersey.
Fields used: Crow Creek #8 & #9 at the 4-Plex (and possibly CC#6). Bases are 70 feet apart. Pitching mound distance is 50 feet.
NOTE: A separate gold division for weekend travel/tournament teams also is available to keep the playing field level for drafted squads, with the gold division playing once per week. If you are the coach of an 11U or 12U weekend travel/tournament team playing at the AA level and are interested in this league, please reach out to Trent Kulig at trentjk82@gmail.com.
2025 Season Dates - Majors
NOTE: Those interested in coaching are asked to contact the division director, Brian Kim at briantkim09@gmail.com.
Contact Dan Escontrias at danesco33@gmail.com.
This program is for players in 7th, 8th and 9th grade. This translates to players with birth dates from 9/16/2008 to 9/15/2010, but players planning to participate in high school baseball should play in the Seniors Division on the full field.
Full baseball rules on smaller-than-regulation fields (54-foot mound, 80-foot bases).
Games are seven innings, with teams playing typically 2-3 times per week, and practice time on the weekend once games start.
At the discretion of the teams and field availability, practice time is available all week in April before games begin in early May. Games run until mid-July, with an All-Star game and a postseason tournament capping the season. (Interested players are permitted to sub into Seniors Division games).
Fields used: Crow Creek #5 and Castro Field at Kiwanis Park/Paul Norton School. Some games could also at out-of-town destinations depending on BPV partnering with other local weeknight leagues.
Teams are formed at a coaches meeting to help strike a competitive balance in this division. (Tournament teams playing once a week are in a separate Gold division).
If tryouts/evaluations are needed, those will come at the end of March/early April.
The coach for your team will contact you soon after teams are decided to provide more details and get the season going with practices. You should expect to hear something from your coach or division director by Monday, April 8.
Each player will receive a numbered jersey and a hat before games begin. The colors are determined by the sponsor, with the sponsor logo displayed on the front of the jersey.
If pairing BPV with high school baseball, play in Seniors on a full-sized diamond against older competition.
NOTE: Those interested in coaching are asked to
contact Matt Wood, @ BPVbaseball1@gmail.com
FOR SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION: Contact Dan Escontrias at danesco33@gmail.com.
Ages 15-20.
Grab your friends and create a team (adult coach needed). All registrants are placed on a team, and each team is placed in an age/skill appropriate division when participation numbers support those splits. 14-year-olds preparing to play in high school should play in this division. Players participating with a high school team are eligible (this is an especially good pairing with freshman baseball). Full baseball on a regulation diamond (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance, 90-foot bases). Games are seven innings or limited by the 2:15 time limit. Teams play typically three times per week, with practice time available on the weekend. This is a Player Driven league, so there is a Players Meeting in mid-to-late April to set expectations and begin forming teams. However, registration remains open until the program is full — and rosters remain in flux until well after high school cuts are made. Games start in late May around Memorial Day and run through late July, with a postseason tournament and All-Star game capping the season. The program ends before practices start for fall high school sports. Long holiday weekends are observed around Memorial Day (to allow for graduations & parties) and the 4th of July (to allow for quick trips). Lighted fields used: Devils Glen Park, McCausland City Field and occasionally Crow Creek #5 or Castro Field at Kiwanis Park/Paul Norton School. Schedule includes doubleheaders (5:30 and 8 p.m. starts, with Team A playing Team B, and Team C playing Team D). Games mainly Monday through Friday, with Sundays also possible depending on participation numbers. Those interested in coaching or forming a team are encouraged to contact ASAP the division director,
QUESTIONS? E-MAIL: BPVBaseball1@gmail.com